11 Months!

Can’t believe this little guy is eleven months old today! This one’s a special edition because it includes our adventure to Three Oaks Recreation Center as well. And, as always, I had a hard time narrowing down his cute pictures because…well, they’re all cute. I mean…look at this guy…

11 months 01

Too Cool For School11 months 02

Chillin by the lake11 months 03

Hanging with daddy11 months 04

Hanging with Mommy11 months 05

Amazing family photo11 months 06

Walking along the trail with mommy11 months 07

cute face11 months 08

walking around with the string from daddy’s sweatshirt11 months 09

cute face11 months 10

Side eye

Christmas in July!

CIJ with Mommy Picture
Mommy and Fletcher in their Christmas Jammies

checking out presents picture

Checking out the wall of presents

sitting in front of presents picture

Just chillin’ with the presents

sitting up with mommy picture

Practicing sitting up with mommy

smiling at mommy picture

Having fun and being cute

christmas vacation picture

An important summer tradition. Christmas Vacation viewing.

kissy sandwich picture

Ew! A kissy sandwich!

family picture

Family photo

mommy and baby picture

Hanging out with mommy being cute

opening presents with mommy picture

Opening of the first present

checking out my present picture

Oh sweet! A jumper thingy!

opening presents with daddy picture

Kinda opening a second present

i got a pool picture

Someone got a pool!

checking out mommy's present picture

Checking out mommy’s present

trying out the jumper picture

Trying out the new toy

Highlights from Shortsville

Two weeks ago I got to go on my first plane ride. I visited Shortsville and had all sorts of adventures.

meeting mj picture

I got to meet my cousin MJ

copper sniffing face picture

I had a doggie sniff my face

mckinley showing tummy picture

MR showed me her tummy

fun with uncle shawn picture

Uncle Shawn was fun

stare down with GG picture

I had a stare down with GG

kisses from dorothy picture

Great Grandma Dorothy gave me smooches

snuggling into leo picture

I snuggled right into Great Grandpa Fabris

cousins picture

Spent some quality time bonding with my cousins

kisses from MR picture

MR kept giving me kisses

fancy hat picture

I got to wear this great hat

chillin with grandpa picture

I cuddled with Grandpa Brown

sleepin on grandma picture

And then I was all tuckered out so I took a snooze on Grandma Brown

crazy aunt carrie picture

Oh. And I met crazy Aunt Carrie…