Two weeks ago I got to go on my first plane ride. I visited Shortsville and had all sorts of adventures.
I got to meet my cousin MJ
I had a doggie sniff my face
MR showed me her tummy
Uncle Shawn was fun
I had a stare down with GG
Great Grandma Dorothy gave me smooches
I snuggled right into Great Grandpa Fabris
Spent some quality time bonding with my cousins
MR kept giving me kisses
I got to wear this great hat
I cuddled with Grandpa Brown
And then I was all tuckered out so I took a snooze on Grandma Brown
Oh. And I met crazy Aunt Carrie…
Awesome! Looks like it was a great visit! Fletcher got to meet so many new family members! 🙂
See you posted all the pictures of us at our best!
Thanks so much for that awesome picture of me Derek (note my sarcasm)
Hey. You’re super welcome! 🙂