We had our seven month photo shoot today. Here are the results.
Tag: baby
Mommy & Fletcher Fun Time
Excerpt from a 5 and a half minute video of pure joy.
Five Months Old!
I couldn’t decide which one I liked best, so here they all are. Call Ryan Seacrest to vote for your favorite.
We weren’t quite ready yet…
Look at those eyes. So dreamy.
I just love his face in this one even though the rest of him is blurry.
And the closest we got to a smile where he wasn’t moving all around.
Happy Five Months, little man!
He’s the One Who Knocks
The Incredible Laughing Baby
For some reason this random noise was making Fletcher laugh today. I’ll take the laughs any way I can get ’em.
Tubby Time: A Time for Reflection
The Best Part of Waking Up
Fletcher actually doesn’t drink Folgers. He prefers locally grown beans which he roasts himself. He’s a coffee connoisseur.
Fletcher and Lucy
Despite the blank stare, he actually did enjoy having Uncle Bill play him some piano (when he didn’t make mistakes – the child demands perfection!)
Happy 4th of July!
Highlights from Shortsville
Two weeks ago I got to go on my first plane ride. I visited Shortsville and had all sorts of adventures.
I got to meet my cousin MJ
I had a doggie sniff my face
MR showed me her tummy
Uncle Shawn was fun
I had a stare down with GG
Great Grandma Dorothy gave me smooches
I snuggled right into Great Grandpa Fabris
Spent some quality time bonding with my cousins
MR kept giving me kisses
I got to wear this great hat
I cuddled with Grandpa Brown
And then I was all tuckered out so I took a snooze on Grandma Brown
Oh. And I met crazy Aunt Carrie…