
Thanksgiving happened. I’m sure you noticed. Here’s some stuff.

Thanksgiving 01

Rode in style on the airplane. BYOS.Thanksgiving 02

Then fell asleep on the car ride to grandma & grandpa’s because being cute is exhausting.Thanksgiving 03

Searched for fish with GrandpaThanksgiving 04

Pet a dogThanksgiving 05

Hung out with Uncle Brandon

Went horseback riding
Thanksgiving 06

Then great grandpa had a banana speak to me. It was wise.Thanksgiving 07

Played in the “kitchen” with grandpa

Then it was time to go home. The airport is a little stuffy, so I needed to catch some sweet sweet air.

Thanksgiving 08

Then I fell asleep on the plane. Which, in spite of being bigger than the first plane we were on, offered far less leg room. Don’t fly American.Thanksgiving 09Then I put on my doggy headphones, watched some CG, and that was the end of that.


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