Typical Summer Day

First snowfall of the year means….doing all the things we usually do outside when it’s warm out…obviously.

Snow 02
Rode the green bike
Snow 03
Pulled the wagon
Snow 04
Concentration tongue
Snow 05
Rode the ATV
Snow 01
Went swinging (and down the slide – not pictured)
Snow 06
Finally, some actual snow activities. Tried to catch him throwing a snowball. And missed…
Snow 07
Snow 08
Snow 10
Then we had to shovel the back yard.

Snow 11

Snow 09
Obligatory cute face picture

The Gladwin Files

Had a super duper special visit from Gladwin last week. Some highlights:

Hung out at the Crystal Lake 4th of July Parade (but don’t pose for photos. Sorry)

Played with rocks at the parade

Played with my blocks

Gladwin really enjoyed that

Hey you. No pictures.

Went to the park and got a push on the swings

Also rode a swing with mommy, but this was later. Not sure how this got out of order. Everything is ruined. I’ll try to continue.

Went down the slide with Gladwin

Then it was splash pad time!