The universe is so big. We’re so small. What does it all mean?Air Drumming Champ 2016Shoutout to my homeboys. Word.Listen…listen to me. You…you’re my besht friend. No no. I mean it. You…hey everbahdy. Thish guy here…he’s the…the…yeah! He’s the besht.Fletcher stays at home and does his pretty face and in the evening he’s a singer with the band.Act waaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy too enthusiastic…aaaaaaand go.It’s so cold and lonely here. Please sir, may I have some more?You talkin’ to me?Tom Smykowski anyone? Any Office Space fans out there? No?I look to the future. And I hope.Ooooooooooooook. Are we done here? I mean…really.Oh Lydia, darling, that dress is just AWFUL.Show me your angry face. Goooooooood. Maybe I’ll stop taking pictures now…